CitySkyAds cPanel Project: The Reseller Control Panel

 to manage your reseller free accounts using Vista Panel

The Byethost Vista control Panel is designed to be viewed with Mozilla firefox : Use this link to get Firefox with the google toolbar.


The reseller package is a great opportunity to use the vista panel software and powerful load-balanced hosting infrastructure developed by Byet.

Earn money via advertising and build a your own community.

This reseller service is free. You can use your own domain with the reseller platform at no cost.

The URL to order a free hosting reseller account is:

The Byethost Reseller control Panel is designed to be viewed with Mozilla firefox : Use this link to get Firefox with the google toolbar.

You can addon your own domain name to a free reseller account and offer free sub domain hosting on that domain.

Your customers will name a sub domain of your top level domain.

For example :

If you already owned a domain called :

You can signup for a free reseller account using the link above, then 'Add your reseller domain' to the reseller panel.

Once you change your domain's name servers and point them to :

A 'default' hosting company home page is installed in your home page url, which you can 'completely' change to suit your own needs, language and design.

Clients can signup using the 'instant free hosting account signup script' provided in your 'default' hosting company home page template.

Clients who signup will receive a free hosting account immediately, their signup information will be displayed to screen. In this example the client would receive a sub domain name.

Every account you get will be under your control with the backup support of the Byet team.

The reseller platform allows you to host your own free hosting company and offer free hosting to an unlimited amount of clients!

When you sign up you will have the choice of website templates for your reseller website home page.

You can download more templates by using the following link (click the download link under the website thumbnail preview:

Your reseller account includes an FTP account for your home page, this allows you to edit your home page design/HTML and create a free hosting home page of your own unique design.

You are not limited an any way as to how you can have your free hosting home page design.

Initially any advert codes on your websites will be Byet adverts, you can change them to your own adverts. You do this using your reseller panel, and clicking the ADVERT CONTROL module.

You can then insert your own advert code such as Google Adsense...


Common question / answers

How do I remove or change the adverts on my clients websites and my home page?

What extra limits can I set for free hosting customers if I upgraded to a bigger MyOwnFreeHost resellerplan ?

How do you add your own domain name to a hosting reseller account ?

The Initial Stages:

1.You sign up and create a 'reseller' account here :

2) You are given a free domain for a 'free hosting' company : home page template pre-installed.

3) In your reseller control panel, you add your 'Google Adsense' or any other affiliate scheme advert code.

(this is then automatically added to every one of your customers pages that signs up on your website)

4) You make money from your customers websites when they sign up and use your free hosting service!

5) Register your new reseller company website in as many places that you can.


1) With reseller plan 1a 1b each account has a maximum bandwidth of 10GB

2) Support tickets from your customers goto you in your support system in your reseller control panel. You can click the 'escalate' button to send the support ticket to us.

3) You can click the 'escalate' button to send the support ticket to us.

4) Resellers do not get a default mail box please can you sign up for a free service provided by Microsoft Live Domains

which allows you to send and receive emails though their mail servers. It does not effect your email addresses and you can still use your own email POP / SMTP client.

You will get excellent email delivery when you use this service :

Log in using your registered email address and password which will be sent to your registered email address.


you should keep this information in a notepad file on your pc. and also written down on paper in a safe place for future reference, because without this information you have lost control of your company.

The control panel admin tools.


You can add up to unlimited reseller domains to your reseller control panel which will then become their own free webhosting company.

You must set the domain's name servers to :


search for customers accounts and administer there privileges.

Here you can disable / suspend a website, disable or activate the website adverts and more!


When a free hosting account is created, instead the clients free website being empty and blank, you can use this tool to pre-setup the clients index.html file with your own customized home page template, This is very good to place useful information about how to edit or change the website, add adverts or useful links to resources.

To edit the default index page simply paste in your HTML code into the box then click submit.


Default Mail Edit Box

This is what you use to customize the welcome email which is sent to your clients when they signup for a free hosting account, you can customize the text / layour of the email giving your hosting company a customized welcome email.

Custom Affiliate ID

Enter your affiliate ID into here to get commision on sales created in your customers VistaPanel.


This allows you to create a unique login just for your support staff.


Enter forum address

Inside the free hosting control panel is links to the community support forum, by default this is set to the forums, if you create your own support forum for your clients, use this to change the URL to point your clients to your own forum.


Select the scripts to include into the auto installer which your customers will use.


You will need to check in here daily to deal with any questions your customers are have. Should there be a problem that you are not able to solve, then there is an option to "escalate" the ticket to the Byet ticket system where the support team will advise a solution.


Enter your advert code into these boxes and then your ads will be globally enabled to everyone of your customers websites. If you do not wish to have any adverts on your website then delete all the codes and leave just one SPACE.

More info click below:


these values can be tailored to meets your requirements. They include the traffic allowance, disk space allowance, database allowance,and enable/disable sendmail.


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